
What is bullying?

Do you think you're being bullied? To answer that question, it helps to know exactly what bullying is - and what it's not. Basically, bullying is when a kid keeps picking on another because they think they're stronger, better, cooler or smarter than them. Children bully others to try and make the other kid feel bad.

Sometimes it can be hard to know if what you are experiencing is truly bullying, so here are some clues to help:

There are lots of different kinds of bullying, too:

Bullying is serious and can be incredibly harmful to kids - but not all bad behaviour at school is bullying. For example, these situations are NOT bullying:

If you believe you're being bullied, tell a responsible adult - a teacher, a coach, a counsellor or your parents. There's also the Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800. The quicker you get help, the quicker something can be done. Even if you're not the one being picked on, it's important to report bullying - just imagine how you would feel if it was happening to you.